

The Salt Spring Island Amateur Radio Society net takes place every Wednesday evening, starting at 7 pm local time on the VE7RSI repeater on 147.320 MHz. It requires a tone of 88.5 Hz for FM.

The net then moves to VHF simplex on 146.595 MHz with a tone of 123.0 Hz.

Finally, we move to 3750 KHz on 80m. If the frequency is occupied, try +/- in 5 kHz steps.

SSIARS Netfrequencynotes
VE7RSI147.320 MHz + CTCSS 88.5 Hz
VHF146.595 MHz T 123.0 Hzsimplex
HF3750 kHzif busy, try +/- in 5 KHz steps.

Being a directed net, give just your call sign when the net control station calls for check-ins. The use of standard phonetics is encouraged. When acknowledged, the net control station will ask if you have any traffic. Giving your call sign only when you first check in will reduce doubling and make the net run more smoothly. On each portion of the net, check-ins will be accepted first from stations on Salt Spring Island, and then from Vancouver Island, the other Gulf Islands and the mainland.


The Salt Spring Island EOC holds a net on the first Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm on the VE7LPN repeater on 443.025 MHz + CTCSS 100.0 Hz. Their "backup" simplex frequency is 146.460 MHz. This repeater also handles C4FM with DG-ID 03 on TX.

Informal Nets...

Amateurs on Salt Spring Island are often listening on 146.595 MHz CTCSS 123.0 Hz. Give a shout at 08:00 to see if you can raise anyone, especially M-W-F before their HF CW-SSB sked. For anyone that can't make it to coffee on Fridays, try a call on VE7RSI 147.320 MHz + CTCSS 88.5 Hz at 10 am to see if anyone is monitoring. VE7RSI also responds to digital C4FM.

A few of us have a sked on 3753 kHz LSB at 08:30 Pacific time M-W-F. We do some CW practice (down 700 Hz) just before starting at at 08:00. This is appropriate as Ted VE7FND SK had code practice on the frequency for many years in the past.

We also have a sked on 14155 kHz at 17:00 on Sunday evenings.

Some of the Salt Spring Island YLs have been getting together for a net on Tuesday evenings at 19:00 on VE7RSI 147.320 MHz + CTCSS 88.5 Hz.

SSIARS can be reached by packet by using Winlink Express to send a message in Winlink format to VE7RAS, but these messages will only be checked infrequently during the ongoing COVID-19 situation. Messages to VE7GDH will be viewed more frequently.


This Salt Spring Island POD Map (700 KB) was updated Sept 16 2020 and contains some new PODs and shows the GMRS channels assigned to each POD.

Log Sheets & Message Forms

If you have ran out of log sheets, you can print a copy from this PDF file. If you browser doesn't open or download the file, right-click on it and select "save link as".

ARRL Radiogram forms are also available.